

現今社會的工作的e化已成為現代的科技趨勢,目前許多系統都從舊有的傳統作業方式改為線上網頁作業系統,系統分析師扮演著使用者與撰寫者的橋樑,以幫助企業或校園規劃良好且方便的系統,在系統e化上是佔重要的角色,其系統e化後,所帶來了資訊安全相關問題,也成為本研究關心焦點。 本研究主要分析網頁系統漏洞類型,透過檢視高雄縣國小的網頁系統,用語法分析網頁程式設計的問題,研究發現高雄縣國小的網頁系統上的設計錯誤,發現最常犯的錯誤問題為POST或GET上的錯誤,這些問題很容易讓具有資訊知識略懂的使用者,即可利用此錯誤,取得或修改相關資料,造成線上作業系統出現問題。建議改用隱藏式多種判斷的方式傳遞,解決這些問題。同時各國小的網管人員須強化網頁作業系統設計的安全知識。


The work of present-day society has become a modern e-technology trends. At present, many systems are operating from the old traditional way of operating system into a web page online. Systems analyst is the system users and programmers of the media, that facilitate well-planned and convenient system in the enterprise or campus. Systems analyst in the system is accounted for on e-technology of the important role. The focus of this study is that E-technology system in the security-related issues. The purpose of this study analyzed the type of website vulnerabilities, through the View Elementary School in Kaohsiung County's website system, parsing the page with the problem of programming, the study found that elementary school in Kaohsiung County's website on the system design errors. The study found the problem the most common mistakes POST or GET to the error, these issues makes it easy for knowledge with some knowledge of the user information, you can use this error, obtain or modify information, caused by problems with the operating system online. Hidden suggested multiple methods to determine transfer, to solve these problems. At the same time every primary school network managers need to strengthen the operating system web page design safety knowledge.


IE page system
