  • 期刊

整合Google Maps與商家DM之數位化導覽平台建立與應用

Development and Application of a Navigation Platform by Integrating Google Maps and Shop DM


本研究利用Google Maps建構一個商家數位化導覽平台。在此平台上,商家是平台內容的主要產生者(結合web2.0的概念),透過本平台可以快速的為自己經營的商店產生數位型錄,透過數位型錄及本導覽平台進行無遠弗屆的電子廣告(e-advertise)。商家無須具備任何特殊資訊技術,只需要利用數位相機即可上網更新自身的相關資料(包含圖片、文字及影音等資料)。最後,在此導覽平台上的任何一張圖片皆有其對應的座標,因此,可以將此圖片下載到具備導航的系統如PAPAGO或手機上,就可讓使用者即時掌握導航資訊,造訪該商店所在地,進而促進更多的商機。


導覽 Google地圖 數位型錄


This study adopted the technique of Google Maps to implement a digital navigation platform for small businesses. The owner of each business generates their digital contents by themselves because a digital content generator on this platform makes it easily to produce digital catalog. All the businesses can proceed to do e-advertise through the digital catalog on this navigation platform. It is unnecessary to possess particular technique to generate the digital contents. The required equipment just includes digital camera for taking pictures to upload them to the platform. Because the pictures on this platform have their coordinates, they can be downloaded to the navigation system such as PAPAGO or any cellular phones. It becomes possible to guide the users to visit the business by using the information and also create the opportunity for making business.


Guide Google maps Digital catalog
