  • 期刊

The Evaluation of Intelligent Agent in the B2C E-Commerce



近年來,由於講究協調性的複雜軟體及在商業流程中,自動化和支配、控制及組織分散式活動的元件需求增加,使得人工智慧的研究者朝向代理人科技的應用發展。智慧型代理人(Intelligent Agent)為一種系統軟體或硬體元件,可以精確地活動以代替它的使用者完成任務。然而,由於智慧型代理人是近年來才被廣為討論的新技術,在目前所收集到的相關研究文獻中大多是在研究代理人系統的開發技術,至於專精在代理人系統效益評估方面的討論則是相對少見。因此,本研究以智慧型代理人為主題,將之應用在B2C電子商務議價環境中,透過實驗設計收集實驗數據並在實驗結束後實施問卷調查,主要目的為實證智慧型代理人的系統效益。研究結果顯示使用協商代理人之實驗對象,無論在實驗設計或是問卷調查中都優於沒有使用協商代理人之實驗對象。


The increasing demand for sophisticated software that comprises of collaborative, yet autonomous, units to regulate, control and organize all distributed activities involved in the company processes, has oriented AI researchers towards the employment of Agent Technology (AT) in a variety of disciplines. An agent can be seen as a software and/or hardware component of system which is capable of acting exactingly in order to accomplish tasks on behalf of its user. However, intelligent agent is still quite a new technology and researches in this area primarily focus on developing technologies in agent systems itself, and research works which evaluate the intelligent agent performance are few and far between. This research applies intelligent agent to B2C e-Commerce negotiation. An experimental design is then used to collect experiment data and a questionnaire is conducted to investigate the benefits of intelligent agent systems. Results show that intelligent systems do improve performance of negotiation system, in both experiment and questionnaire analysis.


