  • 期刊


Hybridity in Taiwanese Aboriginal Cassette Culture


借用Peter Manuel「卡帶文化」(cassette culture)一詞,指稱在台灣原住民部落間商業性流通的卡帶所形成的一種具有「特定的」、「區域性的」、「草根的」通俗文化,本文試圖探討混雜面貌與當代原住民音樂型構的關聯。原住民音樂卡帶歌曲有的以原住民母語演唱,有些則使用國台語或日語,而旋律部分既有原住民傳統曲調,也有新創及翻唱的歌謠,呈現了混雜性的特質。這樣的混雜性只是凸顯了原住民音樂原真性(authenticity)的消失?或者,正如Homi Bhabha對「混雜性」的論述所言,開啟了一個不同文化交織、對話的空間?我將先敘述原住民卡帶文化及討論何謂「混雜性」,接著我將從「伴奏樂器」、「語言」及「曲調旋律」三個面向探討原住民卡帶文化中不同的混雜形式,並分析這些混雜形式所蘊含的文化意義。


By using the term ”cassette culture,” borrowed from Peter Manuel, to refer to a form of popular culture via audio cassettes disseminating among Taiwanese Aboriginal villages, I explore relationships between hybrid features of Aboriginal cassette culture and formation of Aboriginal contemporary music in this paper. Taiwanese Aboriginal cassette culture is a type of micro-medium culture associated with ”specialized,” ”local”, and ”grassroots” audiences. Aboriginal music circulated through these cassettes is hybrid. Some of the Aboriginal cassette songs are sung in Aboriginal languages, while some in Mandarin, Taiwanese dialects, or Japanese. Melodies derived from Aboriginal existing songs and recently composed Aboriginal songs, as well as cover versions of Japanese and Taiwanese songs can be found in these cassettes. Does this form of hybridity simply mean the disappearance of authenticity of Aboriginal music? Or, it may open a space where difference cultures may interact and communicate, as Homi Bhabha comments on hybridity? To explore hybridity in Taiwanese Aboriginal cassette culture, I first describe this form of popular culture and define the term ”hybridity.” Subsequently, I discuss hybrid styles in this cassette culture, in terms of ”accompanying instrument,” ”language,” as well as ”tune and melody,” and analyze cultural meanings associated with these hybrid styles.


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