  • 期刊

Mendicancy and Oral Poetry in Ethiopia: The Case of the Hamina



Hamina(哈密那)指的是Amhara部族中,以托缽為生,所代表的一種類似「階級」的一群人。Hamina人主要居住在依索匹亞偏遠的鄉鎮中心和東北部地區;而因地區不同,他們也被冠予不同的稱呼,如:Abba Wuddie, Abba Gonda, Abba Ayireba and Lalibela等,指的都是Hamina人。長久以來,這一群人數相當少的族群,因為他們祖傳的背景與傳統的生活方式,面對著被大眾所忽視與排擠的窘境,特別是來自Amhara部族成員中身份及地位較好的一群。據傳,Hamina人祖先曾患過痲瘋病,所以他們的後代繼承了托缽的權利,從村落到村落進行挨家挨戶的獻唱乞討。所獻唱內容是經由口傳詩歌中的讚美與祈禱部份。Hamina人堅信這種歌唱的傳統,會保護他們及家人免於受到痲瘋病所傳染。Hamina人害怕在白天容易顯露他們的面孔而被認出,所以通常選擇在日出之前進行吟唱乞討的工作。至今為止,透過這種吟唱的托缽方式,Hamina人從善心人士那裡接受所有的禮物(衣服、食物和金錢)時,這也是他們維持生計的主要來源。本論文將對托缽的傳統作一個短暫的回顧;同時也對音樂作一個細部的分析。此外,對Hamina人在歷史的、社會的、文化的和經濟面向的過去與現在提出一些看法。


The term Hamina refers to a group of people within the Amhara ethnic community, representing a kind of a ”caste” due to their way of life with mendicancy. The Haminas who primarily reside in rural central and northern Ethiopia are named differently in the various regions. Among others Abba Wuddie, Abba Gonda, Abba Ayireba and Lalibela are some of these names by which the Hamina are identified. Ever since, this relatively small group of people faces neglect and exclusion by and from Amhara community members of better status and position, principally due to their ancestral background and traditional way of life. According to stories, the forefathers of the Hamina used to have suffered from leprosy so that their descendants inherited their right to practice mendicancy by moving from village to village and from house to house. This orally transmitted mendicancy bases poetic lyrics with praising and blessing parts. The Hamina have always believed that this singing tradition would protect them and their families from being imposed by leprosy.The Hamina are afraid to show their faces and to be recognized during the daytime so that the singing is customarily carried out prior to sunrise. This livelihood has been the major means of income to date, since the Hamina receive all kinds of presents (clothes, food, and money) from charitable people. My paper will briefly discuss the tradition of mendicancy among this minority group. Parallel to detailed music analysis, it will also consider historical, social, cultural and economic aspects of the Hamina in past and present.


Kawase, Itshisu. 2005. 'Lalibeloc: Living in the Endless Blessing', Film made by Itshisu Kawase, http://www.itsushikawase.com/lalibalocc.html
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