  • 期刊


Biomechanical Analysis of pull up and down diabolo exercise




民俗體育 運動學 肌電圖


Diabolo exercise is one of folk sports that is important in Taiwan. The characteristics are including activity and performance. It could improve ability of physical activity, reaction and coordination. In the recent years, many Taiwan players create excellent performance in other country. It is still lack for biomechanical analysis of diabolo exercise technique. Pull up and down diabolo is the basic technique. It could be improve learning difficult techniques by correct and efficient pull up and down diabolo movement. The aim of this study was to investigate the biomechanical differences between experts and novices performed pull up and down diabolo movement. Methods: six expert males and six novice males performed pull up and down diabolo movement with Vicon motion analysis system (10 cameras, 300Hz) and Noraxon EMG system (1500Hz) to collect the kinematic data and muscle activation. An independent t-test was used to test the kinematic and muscle activation variables differences between expert males and novice males. Results: The diabolo exhibited greater vertical displacement and velocity during the experts performed pull up and down diabolo movement. Experts exhibited greater ROM of upper extremity joint during pull up and down diabolo movement. The diabolo exhibited greater anterio-posterior displacement during the novices performed pull up and down diabolo movement. Experts exhibited greater peak shoulder flexion angle, peak elbow flexion angle, peak wrist extension angle, elbow angle velocity and wrist angle velocity during the pull-up phase. Experts exhibited smaller peak elbow flexion angle and greater wrist angle velocity during the pull-down phase. During the pull-up phase, experts exhibited greater biceps activation and novices exhibited greater triceps brachii activation. Novices exhibited greater anterior deltoid, triceps brachii and extensor carpi muscles activation during pull-down phase. Conclusions: Pull-up phase exhibited shorter time to perform pull up and down diabolo movement. It could be raised the speed of diabolo and stable movement ability by increase upper extremity joint ROM. It is mainly more biceps activation and extensor carpi muscles activation during pull-up phase. It is mainly more extensor carpi muscles activation during pull-down phase. It could be limited pull up and down diabolo movement by excessive antagonist muscle activation.


folk sport kinematics electromyography
