  • 期刊


Sensation Seeking of Collegiate Athletes: Development of Inventory and Analysis of Current Status




Purpose: The study attempted to develop sensation-seeking inventory and to investigate the current status of sensation-seeking among collegiate athletes in Taiwan. Sensation-seeking refers to individuals' tendency of seeking adventure and stimulus. Sensation-seeking relates to motivation, anxiety, and sports performances which had accumulated abundant studies overseas while researches on sensation-seeking in sports were rather insufficient in Taiwan. Methods: A valid and reliable inventory was developed based on the inventory developed by Zuckerman (1980) as well as the translated inventories by Sun (2006), Jian, Tsai, Shen, and Chang (2008), and Yeh (2009). The inventory consisted with four sub-scales and 35 items including Thrill and Adventure Seeking (10 items), Experiences Seeking (8 items), Disinhibition (7 items), and Boredom Susceptibility (10 items). Purposive sampling was used and the research targets were collegiate athletes in Taiwan. The data collected via pretest (N=141) and formal test (N=438) were analyzed with confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency analysis which proved the validity and reliability of the inventory developed in the study. Results and Conclusions: The study suggested that collegiate athletes were inclined to sensation seeking (M=3.52). The thrill and adventure seeking scored the highest while boredom susceptibility scored the lowest. Participants who considered themselves with better sports skills had higher degree of sensation-seeking than their counterparts. Participants who involved in more dangerous physical activities had higher degree of sensation-seeking. The inventory can be used in future studies to identify the relationships among sensation-seeking and the characteristics of athletes (e.g. psychological skills).


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