  • 期刊


Discovering the Stray Experience: Reflection on Learning Three-diabolo Skills




For an athlete, learning sports techniques is not the end but constant breakthrough. However, in the process of breakthrough what are the subtleties? How do sport techniques and knowledge form? The paper portrayed the experience of a player's self-studied new diabolo skills (Three Diabolos) through the narrative inquiry which is incorporated with text description to bring the experience closer to reality. The study also interpreted the breakthrough keys, though difficult to express, by narrative reflections with in-depth exploration on the specific construction model of technical knowledge of the player. Through this self-exploration, the player narrated his experience and constructed a self-taught learning breakthrough mode. It was based on the understanding step key points, back to the basic skills, grasping the characteristics essentials, making up the self-insufficient, making learning disabilities all broken up, and gradually mastering the technical operating essentials. Since technical knowledge is constructed by the interaction of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge, the player's techniques were gained by ”perceived refining,” ”step priority,” ”integration of whole and partial,” and ”technical knowledge embodied,” and then built up a learning mode. The mastering of key guidelines was not separate but the focus of the player's attention. He controlled other guidelines through adjustment and practice; as well as slowly constructing his own technical knowledge through accumulation of internalization in practice. The reason for his own breakthrough in learning lied on the fact that he had broken through the blurry points in the technical learning; from which he understood the reason for doing it. The player has controlled some clear and unclear messages in the process, which saved many unnecessary processes for him and therefore rapidly grasped the keys to the technique-learning.


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