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Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Physical Benefits and Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women


女性大約在45到55歲期間,因為卵巢分泌女性荷爾蒙的功能逐漸減少,導致脂肪分布異常、睡眠失調、情緒波動、抑鬱和易怒、月經週期異常、潮熱、盜汗、皮膚乾燥老化、骨質疏鬆、活動量減少,降低肌耐力與肌肉質量,身體穩定度減少,和跌倒次數容易增加。另外在泌尿系統方面常伴隨尿失禁及性交疼痛等症狀,進而影響生活品質。全身振動(whole body vibration, WBV)訓練,其原理是透過機械式的垂直振盪,來引起肌肉快速的向心與離心收縮,以達到刺激神經肌肉系統。而影響肌肉生理機制是指振動的刺激會透過單突觸(monosynaptic)和多突觸(polysynaptic)路徑調控神經肌肉系統,進一步反映肌肉的活性,進而提高肌肉力量和增加心肺功能。因此,本文主要在探討振動訓練的各項生理效果,並進而評估其搭配運動或飲食計畫的成效。


垂直振盪 骨質疏鬆 雌激素


Menopause usually begins around the age of 45 to 52 for women as a result of the reduction of ovarian hormones. It is usually associated with symptoms and disorders such as unusual fat distribution, sleep problems, mood problems, irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, night sweats, dry skin, osteoporosis, reduction of muscle endurance and muscle mass, and increased of falls due to reduced balance. In addition, there could be urologic challenges that can negatively affect a person's quality of life. Whole body vibration (WBV) training, the vertical vibrations will stimulate more muscle concentric and eccentric contractions, which is believed to also stimulate the muscle nerve system by monosynaptic and polysynaptic pathways. And it can increase the muscle strength and improve the cardiovascular function. Therefore, we are going to discuss how the vibration training could improve the physiology functions with exercises and dietaries.


vertical oscillations osteoporosis estrogen


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