  • 期刊


An Application for Design Method of Emotional Arousal with Association of Science Fiction




Scenario Building has been widely used in conceptual visualization design methods. It enables the designers to envision the variable user scenarios, so that they can design products closer to the ”make real” user experiences. In recent years, the consumers have been paying more attention to the emotional side of the products. Therefore, how to impart emotional expression in the products has become a major subject of development among designers. This research proposes an emotional arousal method with replaceable imagination, and uses a design project of vacuum cleaner themed upon associations of science fictions to demonstrate the application of this method to more deeply explore the designers’ originality for developing products with emotional attributes. The scenario operation and association procedure implemented in this research include the following four elements: deciding scenario types, behavioral observation, scenario building, and constructing a creative thinking matrix for form development with emotional arousal. Through the conceptualization and development processes of the vacuum cleaner design project, the adopted scenario of science fiction were presented to show how it was incorporated in developing two emotional products with flavors of high level and low level of arousal for science fiction. The advantages and potential problems of applying this design method were discussed in the last section of this paper.
