  • 期刊


0: Self-Revelation through Embroidering




穿 心理保護


"Protection" is the basic function of clothes, including physical protection and psychological protection. Clothes keep the temperature and prevent injury physically. Clothes are as talisman in psychological aspect. Social needs occur while physical and safety requirements have been satisfied. In this stage, human have started generating psychology of interdependence between self and others. As courtesy oriented, people began to despise disheveled ones, and developed a role which corresponds to their social status during socialization. Thus, clothes anchor the social role of a wearer. A person can often be characterized by his social status, roles, and also obtain social recognitions or acceptances through clothing. Therefore, a person's clothes represent the position of the identity of the individual, while reflecting personal social interaction etiquette, decorum, and the degree of attention. When clothes are away from the original material and become a symbol of class, status, and power, the existence of clothes must fulfill a variety of human's vain imagination by profligate consumption. However, whether spiritual clothing as talismanorsat is faction of vain imaginations by consuming symbols are both to make themselves happier. Sustenance and comfort are needed from ancient times to modern world that will not be changed. In ancient times, people dressed up themselves to feel peace; in contrast, people now compensate their empty heart by consuming symbols. I am trying to find a real experience of wearing. I am able to experience happiness in the process of exploring childhood memories from those unabandoned fetter, and find the support and comfort by wrapping with passion. I hope to re-exam "wearing" in the process of creation, which is called superstition in modern society. But I still believe that energy is given by in a deep love of clothing and wearing. I try to avoid "symbolic clothing" which belongs to modern definition, and find a possibility of making "real clothes".


Embroider Wear Psychological Protection

