  • 期刊


A Study on the Attitudes and Needs toward Life Education of Kindergarten Parents in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O. C.


本研究旨在瞭解高雄市幼兒園家長生命教育態度與需求之情形及其關聯性。研究工具為自編之「高雄市幼兒園家長生命教育態度與生命教育需求之調查問卷」,採取「立意取樣」抽取高雄市幼兒園家長之樣本人數共計500人,有效樣本460人。研究資料以SPSS for Windows17.0版進行整理與統計分析,統計方法有描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關和逐步多元迴歸分析。研究結論如下:一、高雄市幼兒園家長(以下簡稱家長)對生命教育態度頗認同;二、家長對生命教育需求頗高;三、有聽過生命教育一詞者之家長,對生命教育態度更為認同、生命教育需求也較高,但其餘背景變項均無顯著差異;四、家長之生命教育態度對生命教育需求具有顯著預測力,對生命教育態度的認同度愈高,對生命教育之需求也愈高;五、生命教育課程實施方式之需求頗多元,以「生命教育親子體驗活動」、「生命教育影片賞析」、「生命教育親職講座」、「生命教育繪本賞析」最受家長歡迎;活動時間則選擇一次兩小時及在週末假日之需求最高。根據上述研究結果,提出對教育行政單位、對幼兒園所與教師、家長,以及對未來研究等方面之建議。


The aim of this study was to explore the attitudes and needs toward life education of kindergarten parents and their correlation in Kaohsiung City. The instruments implemented in this study were 'Questionnaire of Kindergarten Parents' Attitudes toward Life Education,' and 'Questionnaire of the Motivation and Needs in Life Education of Kindergarten Parents.' A survey of 500 kindergarten parents was conducted and 460 effective samples were obtained. Data were collected and analyzed by SPSS for Windows 17.0. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, and Progressive Multiple Regression were used. The results of the study were as follows: (1) The kindergarten parents in Kaohsiung City have positive attitudes toward life education. (2) Parents have high needs in life education. (3) Parents who have heard about life education have much more positive attitudes and higher needs toward life education. Otherwise, there are no significant differences among other background variables. (4) Parents' attitudes toward life education could significantly predict the needs of life education. The more positive attitudes parents show toward life education, the higher needs in life education the parents express. (5) Parents show highest needs on 'Parents-Kids experiential activities in life education,' and by using films, lectures and or picture books are their second higher choices. According to the findings, we propose some suggestions for educational-administrative authorities, kindergartens and teachers as well as kindergarten parents and future researchers.


Kindergarten parents life education


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