  • 期刊


Taiwanese Clinical Workers' Workplace Stress Associated with Medical Violence




For medical workers, the violent injury incident in hospital has become one of the emerging major causes of workplace stress. Therefore, the topic of medical violence gradually gains more attentions. However, under the influence of traditional concepts, consequentialism was adopted in the past medical violence, i.e. as long as the medical workers had not been injured virtually, the perpetrators could not be convicted. Thus, it was difficult for clinical workers to appear in public to protect their rights and perpetrators would be in legal limbo. Clinical workers chose not to accuse the patients and their relatives and they could not bear the great stress to leave office. Beyond the expectation, if the clinical workers chose not to make a complaint against the perpetrators, what changes would they bring to themselves? The main purpose of this research is to discuss clinical workers' mental process of exposing when they face the medical violence, including problems encountered during the process of exposing and the stress faced after the exposing. This research adopted qualitative research method and purposive sampling method to interview the clinical workers who had ever experienced medical violence behavior from 4 hospitals, with a total of 17 interviewees. Upon their permission, in-depth interview was used as guidance to collect data and the whole process was conducted anonymously. The research results were concluded as follows: the workplace stress process generated after clinical workers have experienced the medical violence includes the 4 themes: 1) the impediment between work value and violent behavior; 2) the violence motivation of patients and their relatives as well as the complexity of response; 3) the appropriateness of patients and their relatives' acceptance and rejection; 4) the coherence between work attitude and workplace stress. The holistic analysis shows that patients or their relatives hold the wrong conception for clinical workers and most of them blame the responsibility on clinical workers. Thus, it is difficult for clinical workers to expose to make an explanation and view the difference to cause turnover intention. Therefore, an amendment to the Medical Care Act to stiffen the penalties was announced in May 10, 2017 to require medical institution to take necessary steps to ensure safety of medical care personnel. In addition to the reinforcement of clinical workers' legal rights and communication skills, the hospital is also advised to frequently simulate the strain capacity to deal with violence incident and seek for counseling.


