  • 期刊


How the Faculty of Counseling Psychology Programs Recognize and Deal with Professional Competence Problems of Students: An Exploratory Study of Four Universities in North Taiwan




Since the establishment of the Psychologists Act in 2001, there has been a significant growth of students who entered graduate counseling psychology programs to receive training to become counseling psychologists. The faculty of graduate counseling psychology programs, therefore play an important role in providing professional training, promoting the professional development, and ensuring the quality of the professional practice. Over the past 30 years, Western psychology has reflected counseling psychologist training issues and now emphasize competence-based training in replacement of course-based training. Although Taiwan is following the same trend, relevant research is still scarce. The purpose of the study is to understand how counseling psychology faculty in Taiwan recognize and deal with students' problems in professional competencies (PPC). In this study, four faculty members from four different counseling psychology programs with teaching experience ranging from 6 to 23 years were interviewed. Data was collected using semi-structured individual interviews. Thematic analysis was employed for data analysis and six themes were identified. These themes included: "All faculty have encountered students with PPC, which includes issues of professional knowledge, skills and attitude", "Faculty identified PPC through various ways", "Faculty identified students with PPC through professional judgement, co-evaluation with supervisors or other faculty members.", "Faculty recognize the need to establish a clear set of professional competency benchmarks", "Factors contributing to PPC are multi-faceted", and "Strategies for handling PPC are decided based on individual situations". Discussions and suggestions for future studies are proposed at the end.


許雅涵、藍玉玲、陳畹蘭(2016)。從實習心理師與督導觀點看臺灣實習臨床心理師衡鑑專業能力。教育心理學報,47(3),355-372。doi:10.6251/BEP .20150310
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101. doi:10.1191/1478088706qp063oa
