  • 期刊


Research for Strategic Role and Crisis Played by CI and Brand Design


品牌的領域近來已成為企管、行銷、設計等跨領域所共同關切和重視的課題。在產品同質化益深的市場中,「品牌」已然成為商戰決勝的關鍵。本論文從CI及設計的角度去探討品牌策略在這個領域的現況及其因應之道。本研究從許多文獻資料中進行品牌策略的研究,並由表現傑出的設計業及廣告業者中篩選五家進行訪談,除了比較兩者對品牌策略的看法外,也從訪談中了解到目前國內CI及品牌設計公司在處理品牌策略上的困境及矛盾之處。本研究針對研究訪談結果,認為1.一個品牌分別經「視覺設計」及「廣告企劃」兩階段定位處理後,會產生形象傳達上的落差。2.重視策略與定位等前置作業的品牌設計,其成功機會較大。3.CI及品牌設計公司惟有強化定位與設計的能力,才能取得和業主間長期的合作關係,乃可不斷茁壯,永續經營。本研究也針對設計公司在內外環境的現況做SWOT分析,認為1.台灣經濟可能將逐漸邊緣化、大陸化,國內的品牌設計公司勢必要有一些策略上的因應。2.在大陸市場的卡位中,必須努力使台灣成為品牌設計的研究、教育及策動中心。3.將台灣的優勢與大陸優勢相結合,力圖發展為具國際觀的品牌設計公司。(如Landor Associates)。本研究最後針對現階段品牌策略「單線」進行的不當流程,提出一個具有統合、整合、協同概念策略的模式,我們可稱之為統合設計(Integrated design)或協同設計(collaborative design)策略模式。希望這一項新的「品牌形塑架構」有助於國內企業界及設計界創造出更具效力的品牌,尤其也呼籲教育界(特指商設、視傳等領域),應多重視「策略方法」的課程,共同為一流的品牌設計紮下根基。


CI 品牌設計 品牌策略


Lately the brand domain becomes the focused and concerned issue for business administration, marketing and design. Followed the trend of profound equivalization of products, ”Brand” is the key to success. In this article, we explore the current situation and related reaction of brand strategy from the viewpoint of CI and design. Many references and information involved in brand strategy are investigated in this research, also by the interview with five brilliant designers and advertisers, in addition to the comparison of their viewpoints, the difficulty and conflict to handle the brand strategy by CI and brand designers are also studied. After interview, we have come to following conclusion: 1. There is image broadcasted discrepancy after two positioning stages of ”Visual design” and ”Advertising project”. 2. More success is possible when leading operation of strategy and position is involved into brand design. 3. To have long-term relationship with the owner, it is necessary to enhance the capacity of positioning and designing for CI and brand design to have eternal business and concessive growth. SWOT analysis implemented for inner and outer environment of designer. It is our opinions that 1. The brand designer shall have strategic adoption to face with the economical frontiering and transferring to China. 2. During market positioning, Taiwan shall urge to be the research, educational and motivating center of brand design 3. Combined the priority in Taiwan and China to develop international brand designer. (Such as Landor Associates) Finally we would like to propose integrated, unified and associated strategic model against the improper process of ”one way” brand strategy, we may call this integrated design or collaborative design. It is our expectation to assist the creation of more effective brand by domestic industries and designers. Above all, more attention shall go to the course of ”strategic method” from school (especially the commercial design and visual broadcast) to root the foundation of 1st grade of brand design.


CI brand design brand strate
