  • 會議論文


A Study of the Discrepancy in Physical Fitness Performance among College Freshmen-Case Study in Mei Ho Institute of Technology for the School Year from 90 to 95


本研究旨在探討美和技術學院90至95連續六個學年度,四技入學新生在體適能表現上的變化與差異;以四技新生男生917人、女生1903人,共計2820人為研究對象,依教育部所頒布之體適能檢測項目與方法:身體質量指數(BMI)、柔軟度(坐姿體前彎)、瞬發力(立定跳遠)、肌力與肌耐力(一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐)進行施測,以SPSS 10.0 for Windows進行獨立樣本單因子變異數分析後,獲得以下結果:(一)不同學年度的男生在身高、體重與BMI指數等項目,差異未達顯著水準,在柔軟度、肌力與肌耐力、瞬發力等項目,差異達顯著水準。(二)不同學年度的女生在身高、體重差異未達顯著水準,在BMI指數、柔軟度、肌力與肌耐力、瞬發力等項目,差異達顯著水準。根據以上結果,本研究之結論顯示:本校新生男生在90-95學年度體適能差異之表現,在柔軟度是趨於平穩狀況,在肌力與肌耐力、瞬發力的表現是呈現逐年退步的趨勢;新生女生在柔軟度、肌力與肌耐力、瞬發力等項目的表現走呈現逐年退步的趨勢,學校體育課程應積極提出體適能教學策略,以提升全校學生之健康程度。


美和技術學院 新生 體適能


The purpose of this study was to investigate and to compare the changes and differences in the physical fitness performance among college freshmen. Data were collected for six continuously school years from the year of 90 to 95. In total of 2820 samples, 917 male and 1903 female students who were attending the four-year technical school, were included. Using the official criteria issued by the Ministry of Education, the evaluation of physical fitness was determined by the body mass index (BMI), the flexibility (bending-forward), the extremity power (stand-still jumping), and the muscular strength/endurance (1-minute sit-up). Data were analyzed by one-way or ANOVA with SPSS for Windows. The results were categorized as follows: (a) There were significant differences in the flexibility, the muscular strength/endurance, extremity power among the four-year technical male students during various school years, No significant difference were in the height and weight, and the BMI. (b) There were significant differences in the BMI, the flexibility, the muscular strength/endurance, and the extremity power among the four-year technical female students during various school years. No significant difference were in the height and weight. Based on the results shown above, the conclusions of this study were: From the evaluation in the physical fitness among the male freshmen, their performances in the flexibility were not significantly varied during the 6-year study period. The performance in the muscle strength/endurance, the extremity power, however, deteriorated through the years. Among the female freshmen, their performances in the flexibility, the muscle strength/endurance, and the extremity power were deteriorated as well. The school should emphasize the teaching strategy for the physical education in order to promote the importance of health awareness to our younger generation.
