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Spinal Cord Injuries Resulting from Improper Diving


最常造成脊髓損傷的運動為跳水,其次為柔道(Chen & Lien, 1985)。本研究以大台北地區11位因跳水而導致脊髓受傷患者為調查對象。傷者皆為男性。平均年齡為25.4歲,有的63%的傷者在30歲以下。事發月份以七月,六月及八月為主(共72%)。時間方面則以下午發生次數最高,其次為晚上。受傷部位以C4-5-6最多。發生場所則從溪裡、河邊、海邊和游泳池都有,而以游泳池最多(45.5%),海邊其次(27.3%)。有9位跳水傷患,是在平均1.48公尺的水深發生的(範圍1-2公尺)。傷患在撞到池底後,平均約在2-5分鐘被救起。而救起者以友人最多,其次為救生員。送醫過程中常因不知道是脊髓受傷、誤以為抽筋或不夠專業的急救措施而無適當地固定頸椎,有固定頸椎的只有2人。減少脊椎傷害最好的方法即是預防。建議可從下列數點著手:1.對跳水者的安全觀及跳水技術再教育2.警告標誌的設置應再加強。


游泳 跳水 脊椎傷害

Parallel abstracts

The sport which most frequently causes spinal cord injury is diving, second is Judo (Chen & Lien, 1985). This paper is a survey of 11 spinal cord injuries from diving accident in Taipei. All the injuries are male. The average age was 25.4 and 63.6% of 11 injuries were in the 15-29 age range. The higher frequent months happened were July, June and August (total 72%) and most of accidents occurred during the afternoon (54.5%) and night(27.3%). The most common injury site is C4-5-6. The places of accidents included stream, river, beach and swimming pool and swimming pool is the most frequent place (45.5%) and followed by the beach (27.3%). The average water depth (9 of 11 injuries) is 1.48m and range is from 1 m to 2m. After impacting pool bottom, patients were rescued within average 2-5 minutes. The most common rescuer was the patient's friend, followed by the lifeguard. Because most patients didn't know SCI has been happened, mistook SCI for muscle scramp or rescued in amateur technique, only 2 patients's necks had been properly fixed.The best way to reduce diving accidents is prevention. The divers should be educated in awareness of danger and safe diving technique. More over signs should be placed on danger areas.

Parallel keywords

Swimming diving spinal cord injury

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