  • 期刊


A Study of Biomechanical Evaluation of Flat Foot


人體足部由26塊骨頭構成,其間形成許多關節以活動,並束縛以無數帶關連各個骨頭籍以增加各關節的活動彈性(flexibility);而足部的生物力學結構,由胚胎期、幼兒期及小兒期以至成人由內翻及足底扁平,漸次的旋內(pronated)與扭轉(twisted),形成有足弓(arch)的足板(platform)。足弓的作用在生物體運動力學上,扮演很重要的角色,狹義的扁平足,僅意指著縱走足弓(longitudinal arch)的減低或消失,而真正廣義的扁平足,意指著旋內足(pronated foot)在環繞足弓的帶及骨骼等機械結構的障,造成人體重心的內側偏移,以致有過度的應力與應變產生於足部,這即是扁平足者常發生足部扭傷(foot sprain)等症候的原因。本文像利用Kistler的測力板(forceplate),作扁平足之足部力學分析,籍以闡釋為何扁平足者,常伴有足部及踝關節痛,而不適合作長久站立及運動的工作,或甚至於不適合於當長途跛涉的步兵。


扁平足 縱走足弓 測力板


Pronated and flat foot is a deformity characterized by the absence or low of the longitudinal arch of the foot. It may be acquired of congenital. That of acquired origin may be due to osseous or ligamentous injury, muscular inbalance, posture altemations, or arthritic changes. There may be a valgus deformity with heel eversion, which produce medial displacement of body weight resulting in excess stress and strain on the foot during weight bearing. On forceplate examination, 12 flat feet were compared with 8 normal feet. The center of gravity of the body in flat foot patient is shifted medially. There may be an abnormal degree of fatigue associated with weight bearing and activity. For this reason it is not ”flatness of the longitudinal arch” but rather than the medial shift in weight bearing that is the important factor in producing foot strain. So that foot strain can be greatly controlled if the weight bearing pattern can be shifted laterally in spite of any methods of treatment such as conservative supporting or surgical procedures.We use correlation and regression analysis to analyze the locus of C.O.P. (Center of Pressure of foot) And make sure that there are difference of the correlation coefficient R and the S.S.E. (Error Sum of Squares) between flat foot and normal foot.


flat foot longitudinal arch forceplate

