  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationships among Making Leisure Decisions, Utilizing Leisure Resources, Demonstrating Social Skills and Leisure Boredom: An Example of Elementary School Students in Winter Camps


本研究以184名參加冬令營的國小學童為對象,主要目的在利用自編研究工具,以瞭解國小學童休閒參與決策能力、運用休閒資源能力及社會交往技巧與所感受的休閒無聊感程度,並探討休閒參與決策能力、運用休閒資源能力及社會交往技巧與休閒無聊感之相關,而為進一步了解三者對休閒無聊感之影響,研究者提出假設模式,並以LISREL對假設模式進行驗證。經資料整理分析後,本研究的主要發現如下:1. 國小學童的休閒參與決策能力最高,運用休閒資源能力居次,而社會交往技巧最低,而整體學童所感受到的休閒無聊感情形並不嚴重。2. 國小學童的休閒參與決策能力與休閒無聊感有顯著負相關存在。3. 修正後整體模式適合度尚稱適配,國小學童休閒參與決策能力與休閒無聊感之間有負因果關係存在;運用休閒資源、能力與休閒無聊感之間有正因果關係存在。最後根據本研究所獲得的結果加以討論,並提出建議供家長學校、休閒服務提供者及後續研究者參考。


This study was an attempt to examine the abilities of making leisure decisions, utilizing leisure resources, and demonstrating social skills and perceived boredom of elementary school students and to investigate the relationships among making leisure decisions, utilizing leisure resources, demonstrating social skills and leisure boredom of elementary school students. One hundred and eighty four students were selected for this study. A self-administration questionnaire was employed for collecting data. In order to better understand the influence of three causes on leisure boredom, we established a hypothesis model to prove the causal relationship among making leisure decisions, utilizing leisure resources, demonstrating social skills and perceived leisure boredom. According to data analysis, the finding of this study were summarized as following: 1. Making leisure decisions of elementary school students on the scales was high, utilizing leisure resources was in the middle and demonstrating leisure skill was low. Generally speaking, the senses of perceived leisure boredom was not high. 2. There was a significant negative relationship between making leisure decisions and leisure boredom. 3. The constructive validity of the model was satisfactory. There was a negative cause-result relationship between making leisure decisions and leisure boredom, and there was a positive cause-result relationship between utilizing leisure resources and leisure boredom. Discussions and implications were made following these findings.


