  • 期刊


The Study on the Feedback Decision Making of an Elementary Physical Education Expert Teacher


本研究旨在探究教學中教師回饋行為所依循的線索來源,來瞭解國小體育專家教師回饋行為的內在思考與決定。研究對象是一位國小體育專家教師,教學內容包含原地運球及移動性運球兩個動作技能,共六節課。教學過程全程錄音錄影,透過刺激回憶訪談方式,重播教學事件的錄影帶,導引出教師在教學中的回饋線索與做決定的歷程,並以開放式問題釐清教師回答的明確度,之後將刺激回憶訪談的逐字稿經由不斷比較(constant comparison)的方式,依據教師回饋決定知覺線索分類系統之類目予以歸納與分類,最後以階層概念圖呈現出專家教師回饋決定所依賴之線索及其階層關係。研究結論如下:專家教師回饋線索來源主要是來自學生行為線索,其次是教師行為線索,其中,學生行為線索又可分為身體特質、技能表現與不當行為等三個次線索,而教師行為線索也可分為認知說明與教學策略二個次線索。建議未來可探討在不同的回饋線索之下,所形成的教師回饋行為對學生學習成就的影響。本研究之發現亦可作為師資培育機構在課程設計與師資培育之參考。


The purpose of this study was to examine the cue perception for feedback decision making of an elementary physical education expert teacher during physical education instruction. One elementary physical education expert teacher served as the participant of this study. Instruction took place during six stationary dribbling and moving dribbling sessions. Data were collected by videotaping and audiotaping. Patterns in cue perception employed by teacher for feedback decision making during physical education instruction were assessed by stimulated recall interview. The interview transcripts were analyzed inductively and presented using hierarchy concept map. Results showed that the main feedback cues of the expert teacher were student behavior cues and teacher behavior cues. Student behavior cues included physical attributes, skill performance, and inappropriate behavior. Teacher behavior cues included cognitive state and instructional strategy. Based on this conclusion, recommendation was made for future study. It was suggested that follow-up study should examine the effect of feedback cues to teacher feedback behavior and its impact on student learning in motor skill. The finding of this study has implications for teacher education in physical education.
