  • 期刊


The Influence of Lower Limbs' Reaction to Single Vibration under Different Load


本研究目的在探討單次不同震動負荷組數(3 set、7 set)對不同時間點下肢動力反應指標-CMJ(countermovement jump)表現之影響。方法:參與者為7名男性成棒球選手,平均年齡25.0±1.9歲,身高176.0±4.7公分,體重79.6±6.5公斤。每位參與者進行2次CMJ作為前測(T-1)依據,取較佳成績。前測後實施3 set震動訓練(震動頻率40Hz、震幅±2mm、每set震動持續時間60s、set間休息40s、接受震動刺激之動作為深蹲60s、膝蓋微彎單足立左右各30s)。震動訓練結束後第1分鐘(T-2)、第4分鐘(T-3)、第24小時(T-4),各進行2次CMJ後測,取最佳成績以了解參與者在接受震動訓練後,下肢動力反應的變化情形。間隔一週後,再進行7 set震動訓練,前測、後測比照3 set震動訓練的實驗流程。結果顯示:參與者無論在接受3 set或7 set兩種不同負荷組數震動訓練,都在結束後第4分鐘之CMJ表現達最高值,CMJ表現平均值分別增加9.91%與13.25%。接受3 set與7 set震動訓練後24小時,CMJ表現平均值雖比震動訓練後第4分鐘微幅衰退,但是分別比前測值增加6.68%與4.94%。結論:接受單次震動訓練後之運動表現提升的殘留效果能持續至24小時,本研究最佳表現則是在震動訓練後4分鐘。


Purpose: This study was to investigate the height difference of counter movement jump (CMJ) at different timing after single vibration in different loads. Methods: Seven male baseball players (age: 25.0 ± 1.9 yrs, height: 176.0 ± 4.7 cm, weight: 79.6 ± 6.5 kg). The CMJ were performed twice in four sections which included pre-vibration (T-1), one minute post-vibration (T-2), four minutes post-vibration (T-3) and twenty-four hours post-vibration (T-4). Vibration treatment was given at frequency of 40Hz and amplitude of 2 mm for 60 seconds including deep squatting 60s and changing the body weight from one leg to another 30s×2 alternately and rest for 40s. Training loading was 3set and 7set immediately after pre-test which separated at least one week. Results: Both of 3 set and 7 set, participants performed highest CMJ at fourth minute after vibration treatment, average height of counter movement jumps increased 9.91% and 13.25%, respectively. After 24 hours, average height of counter movement jump was less than the fourth minute, but it still increased 4.94% and 6.68% than T-1. Conclusion: Residual effect of vibration training could increase jump performance after 24 hrs and the best performance was appeared at 4th minute after vibration training.


