  • 期刊


An Analysis of Wrong Judgment of Predicting Setting up Movement from Volleyball Players of Different Skill Levels




Purpose: To understand difference of wrong judgment of setting up movement prediction from volleyball players of different skill levels. Method: The study was designed to test wrong judgment conditions of total 137 students with high athletic performance and basic skills from two universities based on their judgment of setting up movements from film of male volleyball championship of 2000 Olympic Games. The data gained was statistically analyzed in Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Model. Results: A. After touching the ball in position 2 of setting up movement, students with basic skills were significantly more prone to judge wrongly as positions 3 or 4 than students with high athletic performance. Before and after touching the ball in position 3, students with basic skills were significantly prone to judge wrongly as position 4 than students with high athletic performance. Before, while and after touching the ball in position 4, students with basic skills were significantly prone to judge wrongly as position 3 than students with high athletic performance. B. After touching the ball in positions 3 and 4 of setting up movement, students with high athletic performance were significantly prone to judge wrongly as position 2 than students with basic skills. Conclusions: A. In the later stage of positions 2 or 3 of setting up movement, it was harder for novices to predict setting up movement of the arm or the fingers, so they used the false body movement of position 4 as prediction precue. Thus novices were induced to judge wrongly as position 4. B. In the later stage of position 3 of setting up movement, it was easier for masters to use the arms or the fingers as prediction precue, the raising movement induced masters to significantly judge wrongly as position 2.
