  • 期刊


An Exploration of Swimming Instruction Based on the Task Analysis Approach: An Example of Teaching Students with Moderate Mental Retardation




動作技巧 認知 情意


The purpose of this study was to assess how students with moderate mental retardation attained swimming skills for the first time. A total of 21 students (15 males, 6 females) went through a five-day swimming summer camp. The results of the study showed that there was no significant difference between male and female students on account of motor skills acquisition, knowledge and affect in the class. However, significant differences appeared between the initial and final stage of learning which indicating that through the articulation of task analysis approach, students with moderate mental retardation can learn swimming. Furthermore, the ten sub-skills of the movements based on the perspectives of task analysis have shown that, nine out of the ten items were suitable for the students. Finally, applying the techniques of task analysis on the swimming instruction for students with moderate mental retardation was highly recommended.


motor skill cognition affect
