  • 期刊


Public Relations Roles and Models: A Case Study of the Super Basketball League (SBL) in Taiwan


研究目的:本研究在探討超級籃球聯賽(Super Basketball League, SBL)各球隊公共關係人員所扮演之公共關係角色與分析球隊所執行之傳播溝通模式。方法:本研究採質性研究之個案分析法,以立意抽樣(purposeful sampling)方式進行,半結構式訪談為本研究主要資料來源,受訪者為2007年第四屆超級籃球聯賽七支球隊(裕隆、達欣、緯來、東風、台啤、台銀和東森)公共關係業務之負責人,共計8位(含ESPN負責SBL行銷公關活動的行銷總監)。研究結果與結論:超級籃球聯賽七支球隊之公共關係人員以男性為主,平均年齡為34歲,大部分受訪者從事公共關係工作少於4年;受訪者之職稱以公共關係人員居多,大部分受訪者具有大學學歷。僅有兩支球隊設有獨立之公共關係部門,各球隊之公共關係人員編制以1-2人佔大多數。SBL各球隊公共關係人員所扮演之角色為溝通技術人員(communication technician),各球隊之溝通模式仍以較低層次之新聞代理模式(press agency)為主。


The purposes of the study were exploring public relations practice in Super Basketball League (SBL) and offering strategies for effective and proactive public relations. In order to examine the public relations practice, a qualitative approach with a case study was chosen and two research questions in the study included (1) What roles do Taiwanese sport public relations practitioners perform in their organization; (2) What public relations models do Taiwanese sport public relations practitioners practice? The findings indicted that sports public relations practitioners of the SBL seem to be predominantly male, average age in 34, and with advanced degrees. Most respondents' working experience in public relations were less than four years. Most respondents titled public relations staff. Only two of teams had their own departments of public relations. The size of the department of public relations was small. The communication technician role was assumed by sport public relations practitioners. Moreover, the public agentry model was employed by sport public relations practitioners.
