排球比賽中最先接觸到球的動作就是接球動作,因此防守在排球比賽中是相當重要的技術,好的防守能夠將對方強而有力的扣球守起,增加比賽中攻防轉換的流暢性。本研究透過高速攝影分析(250 Hz)比較在排球防守過程中,優秀選手與乙組選手的接球動作中有何差異,歸納出相關的基礎理論(SSC、RT和MT),並導入對排球防守動作的應用。研究結果中發現選手在接球過程中都有明顯的騰空開跳步動作,表示下肢肌群能透過牽張縮短的循環機制,讓肌肉產生爆發力量去應付瞬間的移位動作。另外,優秀選手防守動作明顯比乙組選手更能掌握規律與流暢性。本研究建議球被攻擊手擊出後,飛行的時間短、球速快,防守者才開始『反應-接球』的動作模式相當不容易,就算完成,動作的效果(移位速度)也不大,必須要掌握擊球節奏、『預先』開始防守動作。而騰空開跳步動作出現時機若太早或太慢會造成離心轉向心收縮之間的延遲或動作不完全,無法產生有效的爆發力量應付瞬間動作。有效掌握動作的規律及協調性,是訓練中最容易被疏忽的關鍵,建議訓練工作者能夠指導球員學習判斷攻擊手擊球動作與時機,爭取接球時間以利達到最佳動作表現。
The service reception, it is the first contact with the ball, thus an important technical movement, and provides the transition between defence and attack. Technically, the defensive skill of volleyball is not only the defensive purpose, it is an most important skill in the competition. The purpose of this study was to analyze the movement of different level of volleyball player on volleyball defense. The relative theories (SSC, RT, and MT), and real volleyball defensive movements performed by different levels were recorded by high speed camera for analyzing the characteristics of defense motion. The conclusion could be described as following: SSC could to make explosive power that was a important point on defensive skill. In training, the hop-step concentric phases should be taken at the instant of spike motion, to enhance more powerful and improve the performance of defensive.