  • 期刊


Female Bus Attendant of the Literature and Culture Research in Taiwan during the Japanese Ruling




女車掌 性別 日治時期 職業婦女 漢詩 場域


The female bus attendant is hires in the consideration sex and under nationality's factor. Displays them in Taiwan's Japanese ruler by the authority operation to colonize the superiority. The female bus attendant may also use the normal legal way to protect their reputation, and presents colonize the modernity during the Japanese ruling. 1930 Taipei states first hired the female bus attendant. Because the female bus attendant operating time is long, the burden is very heavy, must cater to the capitalist to gain the benefit, and therefore has paid the price. The bus attendant's assign idea also pauses, in the man and the woman have in the difference tradition, this is not in keeping with the gender equality spirit. Feminine occupation assign and the society anticipated the change is not tallies immediately. The traditional poem and ”Taiwan Automobile Industry”(《臺灣自動車界》)faces majority to female bus attendant writing is the masculine reader. Female bus attendant's traditional poem majority is seven-character-quatrain-based(七言絕句), the sentence is short very well moreover reads, may reflect the traditional poet cared female bus attendant's situation, female bus attendant of the literature and between the news report has the very close relationship. Female Bus Attendant of the Literature has 82 poems in Taiwan during the Japanese Ruling. This is relatively few in quantity. New literature and traditional literature to basic unit feminine emerging occupation, is also the female bus attendant creation as well as the care are not many, the researcher in this aspect will probably in the future diligently.


〈一漁夫二庶務課員工對女車掌種々無禮羅東乘合車怪事〉,《臺灣日日新報》,1932.02.08,第 8 版。
〈女の車掌採用〉,《臺灣日日新報》,1928.03.13,第 2 版。
〈女車掌失手墜地死地在景美瑠公圳橋附近目挿於枯木達腦髓濺出〉,《臺灣日日新報》,1932.05.25 夕刊,第 4 版。
〈女性の街頭進出(六)〉,《臺灣自動車界》1 卷 8 號(1932.10),頁 12。
〈加害車掌者起訴〉,《臺灣日日新報》,1925.05.01,第 8 版。


