  • 期刊


Surveillance on Overseas Taiwanese Students under the KMT's Administration: A Case Study in the United States




This thesis explores the history of surveillance on overseas Taiwanese students under the administration of authoritarian Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) during the 1970s and early 1990s. The content of this paper tries to trace, in which way and to what extents, how the KMT government monitored overseas Taiwanese students in the United States. This work examines these documents, e.g. newspapers, magazines, interviews and original data to analyse the activities of the KMT spy students in the United States. In addition, compared to some cases of the ”Transitional Justice” over the East Europe, South Africa and Argentina, this thesis attempts to discuss the history on the White Terror of Taiwan, especially the part on the history of surveillance on overseas Taiwanese students in the United States, and then to explain why Taiwan can not be on the way to the Transitional Justice. Taiwanese encounter a big problem on fulfilling the Transitional Justice due to the resistance from politicians; however, this paper wishes to waken Taiwan people's historic memory on the authoritarian KMT ruling and wishes Taiwanese to finish the Transitional Justice as soon as possible.


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李怡俐(2014)。當代轉型正義的制度與規範脈絡 -兼論南韓與台灣的經驗比較〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02299
