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Genetic Structure of Viola nagasawai in Yangmingshan, Taiwan



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Genetic structure within and among four subpopulations of Viola nagasawai was investigated using isozyme gel electrophoresis techniques. Eleven loci were surveyed from eight enzyme systems. The mean expected heterozygosity (HE) was 0.142 and ranged from 0.07 to 0.186. The mean observed heterozygosity (HO) was 0.160 and ranged from 0.097 to 0.252. The mean number of alleles per locus (A) was 1.7. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was 36.4. F-statistics revealed that the inbreeding coefficient within populations (FIS) was -0.276. This negative value suggested that the species prefered outcrossing. The level of genetic differentiation among populations (FST) was 0.132, which suggested a medium-grade of infraspecific genetic differentiation. Gene flow rate among subpopulations was greater than one (Nm=1.64), and indicated that genetic differentiation among subpopulations was not likely contributed by restricted gene flow However, natural selection probably played important role and caused genetic differentiation of V. nagasawai subpopulations in the Yang-ming-shan area.
