  • 期刊


Effects of Different Sensory Input on the Escape Behavior of American Cockroach


本實驗利用滑鼠原理與電腦記錄,來量化和分析美洲蟑螂Periplaneta americana的逃亡行為。成蟲雄蟑螂被固定於支架上,只有步足附著於空心保麗龍圓球上,可滾動圓球,但蟲體原地不動。由橫軸和縱軸偵測輪可偵測圓球的轉動,輸入電腦繪出蟲體運動的座標,再分析其運動方向、反應所需之潛伏時間(LP)和企圖逃亡時,運動的最大瞬時速率(Vmax)。上架的蟑螂適應90分鐘成安靜狀態後,分別遙控光照眼睛、空氣吹蟲體及碰觸腹部,以引起驚嚇的逃亡行為。由結果知道:不同環境因子的變化,經過不同感覺器官的作用,所引起逃亡反應的潛伏時間和逃亡的運動速率不同。其中以碰觸刺激的LP最短,小於0.1秒,Vmax為12.43 ±3.96公尺/分;空氣刺激尾毛之LP為0.62±0.99秒;Vmax為5.16±2.06公尺/分;光刺激的反應最慢,LP為25.36±18.89秒;Vmax為2.74±1.89公尺/分。不同感覺輸入引起蟑螂逃亡反應的神經肌肉機制與徑路,將在文中討論。


The escape tracks of American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, were studied via modified pointing mouse tracking ball. In this work the body of an adult male cockroach is tethered dorsally while keeping three pairs of legs on the surface of a free rotatable styrofoam ball. As the legs of the cockroach moved, the ball rotated accordingly. This device permits monitoring the locomotion of cockroaches moving on a servosphere. The moving direction, latent period (LP) and the maximum momentary velocity (Vmax) of a startle insect can be estimated and analyzed. All experiments were performed in a dark container and the escape routes monitored by an IR camera from which the escape orientation of the cockroach can be recorded. Three kind of stimulations were performed including flash of light, puff of wind and touch on abdomen. Among the data obtained, the LP and Vmax of touching stimulation are the most significant (LP < 0.1 sec and Vmax is 12.43 ±3.96M/min). The LP and Vmax of puff stimulation are 0.62 ±0.99 sec and 5.16 ±2.06M/min, respectively. The LP and Vmax of light stimulation are 25.36 ±18.89 sec; 2.74 ± 1.89 M/min, respectively. Different values of LP and Vmax can be explained by the different environmental factors which are processed by different sense organs. The neuromuscular mechanism and pathway of cockroaches escape behavior is discussed.
