  • 期刊


The Relationship between Elementary Teachers' Feeling of Teaching Efficacy and Their Behavior in Science and Technology Teaching




The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the elementary teachers' feeling of teaching efficacy and their instructional behavior in science and technology teaching. The approaches of teachers' feeling of teaching efficacy and behavior in science and technology teaching were investigated and examined under the teachers' background variables, such as sex, age, teaching years, size of schools, etc. In addition, the potential of teachers' feeling of teaching efficacy was also tested for predicting their behavior of science and technology instruction.Questionnaire survey was adapted in this study. The questionnaire, ”The Inventory of the Elementary Teachers' Feeling of Teaching Efficacy and Behavior in Science and Technology Teaching”, was developed and answered by 168 science and technology teachers from 147 elementary schools in Kaohsiung County. T-test, one way ANOVA and multiple stepwise regression were performed on the data. Some results came as the follows:1. Teachers' feeling of teaching efficacy in science and technology was tended to mid or high degree, and the differences of teachers' feeling of teaching efficacy were existed in teachers' capacities in schools and their teaching seniority.2. Teachers' teaching behavior in science and technology was tended to be progressive, and there was no difference among teachers' background variables.3. Teachers' personal feeling of teaching efficacy could be predictable the best to their teaching behavior.4. There was significant relationship between teachers’ feeling of teaching efficacy and the degree of their teaching behavior.


蕭志民(2007)。桃園縣國小低年級教師建構式 數學教學信念之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200700632
