  • 會議論文


The Property Management Practice and Early Design Intervention of the Common Facilities in Existing Apartment Buildings




The objectives of this research (1) to investigate the usage and managerial problems in the common facilities of apartment buildings; and (2) to develop a checklist for reviewing the design of common facilities in the planning phase from the 'property management' perspectives. Ten existing apartment buildings were identified as the research subjects, and field investigations as well as interviews were conducted. The research findings are:(1) By reviewing the ten existing apartment buildings, the statistic analysis is conducted to discover the using and managing problems in their common facilities. Then the problems would be grouped into 5 aspects according to the public infrastructure types and the suggestions would be provided for the space planning.(2) In this part, the using and managerial problems of the public infrastructures as well as the points that need to be noted when planning the items of the common facilities would be discussed. Therefore, the checklist of the planning criteria would be presented for the designers' use.


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