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A Study on the Relations of the Soil Cadmium Contents of an Old Slate Alluvial Soil to the Growth and Cadmium Contents of Maize


本研究在探討粘板岩老沖積土中鎘含量與玉米植株生長之關係及玉米植株吸收鎘後在各部位之累積情形,藉以了解影響玉米生長及可食部位含可能危害人體健康鎘量時之土壤臨界濃度。試驗結果顯示土壤鎘含量在2.0~4.9 ppm時,玉米植株各部位鎘含量高低順序為葉>根>莖>苞葉>子實,但當土壤鎘含量達5.0~5.9 ppm時,玉米植株各部位鎘含量之高低順序為根>葉>莖>苞葉>子實。因此,5.0~5.9 ppm之土壤鎘含量可能是決定玉米根、葉部位鎘含量何者較高的重要臨界濃度。玉米子實無論產自何種污染程度區內,其鎘含 量均超過0.1 ppm西德穀類之鎘污染界限。土壤鎘含量小於4 ppm時,對玉米植株生長及產量無影響,但土壤鎘含量大於4 ppm時則已影響玉米植株生長及產量,尤其土壤鎘含量高於5 ppm以上時,對玉米植株生長之毒害更鉅且使產量降低60%。


In order to evaluate the critical soil Cd levels which may affect the growth of maize and the Cd contents of its edible parts, a study on the relationship between the soil Cd contents of an old slate alluvial soil and Cd accumulation in different parts of maize were conducted.Results showed that the Cd contents in different parts of maize was in the following order: leaf> root> stalk> husk> ear in those divisions with 2.0 to 4.9 ppm Cd in the top soil. However, in 5.0~5.9 ppm division, the Cd contents in the different parts of maize was in the following order: root> leaf> stalk > husk> ear. Judging for the two distinct difference in the order, it seems that 5.0~5.9 ppm soil Cd contents may be an important critical boundary for indicating either leaf or root was the highest Cd content. The Cd contents in maize ears in all divisions of the plots exceeded O.I ppm of the Germany grains Cd pollution limitation. However, the growth and yield of maize were not affected by the soil Cd contents within the 4 ppm. When the soil Cd contents exceeded 4ppm, the growth of maize was significantly retarded and the yield reduced. When it exceeded 5 ppm, some toxic effect on maize growth was found and the yield of maize decreased 60%.
