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Effects of Tile Drainage and Management of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer on Yield and the Quality of Winegrapes


為探討改善排水及氮鉀用量對釀酒葡萄產量及品質改進的效應,自1984年開始連續三年期,於二林鎮進行田間試驗。試驗結果顯示,暗管排水比地面排水對葡萄夏果增產1.1%至2.3%,糖度提高0.28°至0.65°Brix,產量經變方分析結果處理間差異達顯著水準。暗管排水區施用N 100 kg/ha及K2O 350 kg/ha的產量最高,分別比地面排水區增產5.5%至7.9%及0.3%至3.6%。施用N 200 kg/ha及K2O 350 kg/ha的糖度最高,分別提高0.55°至1.50°Brix及0.73°至1.46°Brix;酸度較低,分別降低0.01 g至0.03 g及0.02 g至0.03 g/100 ml。三年平均的氮鉀處理組合間以施用150-350 kg/ha (N-K2O)區產量較多,增產0.8%至4.1%,200~350 kg/ha (N-K2O)區糖度較高,提高0.09°至0.55°Brix,酸度較低,降低0.02 g至0.04 g/100 ml。根據迴歸分析顯示,施用N 135 kg/ha配K2O 350 kg/ha時,對金香葡萄產量及品質均最好。經濟收益比較顯示,氮素施用N 100 kg/ha暗管排水處理組合區比N 150 kg/ha地面排水處理組合區增加34,715元/ha的收益,鉀素施用K2O 350 kg/ha暗管排水組合區比K2O 350 kg/ha地面排水處理組合區增加52,656元/ha的收益。本省栽培釀酒葡萄全體果農每年估計將可增加八千萬元以上收益,若包括鮮食葡萄則將增加二億六千萬元以上收益。


葡萄 暗管排水 氮肥 鉀肥


The purpose of this study was to improve the quality and yield of Golden Mustcat grapes by the managements of nitrogen, potassium and tile drainage. Experiments were conducted in Erh-lin soil series, Changhua Hsien, from 1983 to 1986. The results showed that yield and sugar contents were significantly improved by the tile drainage. Fertilizer application of 100 kg/ha nitrogen and 350 kg/ha potassium hidroxide gave the highest yield, 200 kg/ha nitrogen and 350 kg/ha potassium hidroxide had the highest sugar content and lowest total acidity. Application of 100-250 kg/ha (N-K2O) gave the highest yield. Plots treated with 200-350 kg/ha (N-K2O) had a higher sugar content and lower total acidity of fruit juice. Regression analysis showed that 150 kg/ha of P2C)5, 135 kg/ha of N, and 350 kg/ha of K2O effectively increased sugar contents and reduced acidity of grapes, using either tile or surface drainage.
