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Identification of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) Cultivars Using RAPD Molecular Markers


利用20條隨機合成引子進行隨機複製多型性DNA(random amplified polymorphicDNA,RAPD)分析,供試5個百慕達草品種,共產生201個隨機複製多型性DNA分子標誌(RAPD marker),其中有171個分子標誌在品種間具多型性(polymorphism),經群叢分析(clustering analysis)後,可將5個百慕達草品種分成二群,此結果與外部形態分析,及各品種之遺傳背景一致。此外,亦發現有些引子對百慕達草具很強鑑別能力,單一引子即能將5個品種加以鑑別。因此,利用隨機複製多型性DNA分析,具有簡便、易於操作及效率高等特性,應用在百慕達草品種鑑定確實有效。


Five bermudagrass cultivars/species were identified through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Twenty 10-mer random primers were selected for polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In total, 201 RAPD molecular markers were recorded, of them, 171 markers were polymorphic. Based on the RAPD markers from the above findings, clustering analysis was conducted and the results showed that two major clusters were found. The result was well agreed with the previous report based on phenetic data. Furthermore, among twenty primers used, the five bermudagrass could be distinguished from each other by using only one primer. Therefore, it shows that RAPD technology could be applied as a rapid, easy, efficient technique for bermudagrass genetic analysis.


bermudagrass RAPD PCR molecular marker variety identification
