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The Improvement and Experiment of a Semi-automatic Vegetable Seedling Transplanter (1)


本研究為改良並增進手扶式半自動雙行蔬菜移植機之功能,其中將種植行距由45 cm縮短為40 cm;株距調整採變速齒輪組更換方式,具有52、46及40 cm三段選擇;另增設一組畦面整平板兼畦高自動追蹤機構,可解決因畦面不平整而造成倒伏或埋沒幼苗的問題。經甘藍苗種植試驗結果顯示,當標稱種植株距52 cm,為符合性能測定標準,最高作業速度應不超過0.38 m/sec(引擎轉速1,800 rpm)時,得到缺株率3.2%、倒伏率0.4%、傷苗率0.8%、種植深度與實際株距合格率為99.6%和100%等結果;而標稱種植株距46 cm,相對之最高作業速度應稍降為0.33 m/sec(引擎轉速1,600 rpm)時,其缺株率為2.4%、倒伏率0.4%、無傷苗、種植深度與實際株距合格率分別為99.6%和100%;又標稱種植株距40 cm,則最高作業速度應再降為0.28 m/sec(引擎轉速1,400 rpm)時,其缺株率為3.6%、倒伏率2.4%、無傷苗、種植深度與實際株距合格率分別為98.8%和100%。各試驗結果證實性能上改良效果甚佳。


移植機 種苗 蔬菜


The purpose of this research was to improve the prototype semi-automatic two-row vegetable seedling transplanter. This improved machine replaced the 45 cm row spacing into 40 cm and three plant spacing of 52, 46 and 42 cm adjusting with a new changeable gear set. An automatic soil leveling plate on plant bed was added to solve the problems of over-inclined and buried seedlings. The field testing results of cabbage seedling transplanting under the situation of matching the National Testing Standards showed the performance of this transplanter as follows: the miss-planted ratio was 3.2%, over-inclined ratio 0.4%, damaged seedling ratio 0.8%, qualified planting depth ratio 99.6% and qualified plant spacing ratio 100% with 52 cm plant spacing and 0.38 m/sec max. forward speed (engine revolution 1,800 rpm). The miss-planted ratio is 2.4%, over-inclined ratio 0.4%, damaged seedling ratio 0%, qualified planting depth ratio 99.6% and qualified planting spacing ratio 100% with 46 cm plant spacing and 0.33 m/sec max. forward speed (engine revolution 1,600 rpm). The miss-planted ratio was 3.6%, over-inclined ratio 2.4%, damaged seedling ratio 0%, qualified planting depth ratio 98.8% and qualified planting spacing ratio 100% with 40 cm plant spacing and 0.28 m/sec max. forward speed (engine revolution 1,700 rpm). The results showed the performance of the machine has been improved very well.


transplanter nursery seedling vegetable
