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Ecology of Watermelon silver mottle virus on Wax Gourd (Benincasa hispida)


西瓜銀斑病毒(Watermelon silver mottle virus, WSMoV)於1988年在台灣首次被鑑定,之後調查發現WSMoV嚴重感染西瓜、冬瓜及洋香瓜等,為國內瓜類作物重要病毒病害之一。1999及2000年秋作於彰化縣芳苑鄉,2002及2003年春作於彰化縣北斗鎮,調查冬瓜上西瓜銀斑病毒病罹病度與南黃薊馬棲群密度。1999及2000年芳苑鄉秋作冬瓜罹病率分別為95.8%及86.1%,發病度雖嚴重,但因發病盛期已屆果實採收末期,對冬瓜收量及品質的影響較小。芳苑地區冬瓜春作栽培較少,秋作冬瓜通常與水稻比鄰種植,媒介昆蟲源、病毒源的累積較慢,而致發病時間延後。2002及2003年北斗鎮春作供試感病性冬瓜品種(當地種)之罹病率分別為100%及95%,由於發病盛期正值冬瓜開花及採收初期,以致嚴重影響冬瓜之收量及品質。西瓜銀斑病毒病嚴重影響冬瓜生育之原因,可能與當地春、秋作均普遍種植冬瓜,導致媒介昆蟲南黃薊馬蟲源及病毒源均較豐富,而致發病嚴重。2002及2003年北斗鎮供試抗病性冬瓜品種吉豐618號之罹病率分別為37.6%及32.1%,供試抗病品種罹病率低、發病期明顯延遲且植株葉片病毒濃度較低,對冬瓜產量影響較小,推測其具有耐病之特性。調查19種冬瓜園野生雜草,血清學及電子顯微鏡資料顯示,龍葵及野莧均為WSMoV之野生寄主。


冬瓜 西瓜銀斑病毒 生態學


Watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV)-infection has become a devastating disease of cucurbits in Taiwan since it was identified in 1988. The survey of the relatedness of the disease to the population density of the viral vector (Thrips palmi Kamy) had been conducted at two locations in Chung-hua County, i.e. at Fang-yuan during the autumn crops seasons of 1999 and 2000, and at Bei-dou during the spring crop seasons of 2002 and 2003. The data collected from Fang-yuan showed that the disease incidences were 95.8% and 86.1% in the autumn crop seasons of the years of 1999 and 2000, respectively. Although the disease incidences were high, however, the impacts to the production of the wax gourd were low due to the incidence peaks appeared at the harvest stage of the crop. In the mean time, the disease incidences collected at Bei-dou during the spring crop seasons of the years 2002 and 2003 were 100% and 86.1% in susceptible local variety while 37.6% and 32.1% in resistant variety (Ji-fong No. 618), respectively. The impact of the WSMoV-infection to the susceptible wax gourd in this area was much higher than that in Fang-yuan area because of the infections emerged at both the flourishing and fruit-forming stages that have caused severe symptoms in wax gourd plants and have interfered the production of the crop. In addition to the lower disease incidence, the delayed symptoms and less WSMoV in the plant were also observed in the tested resistant variety suggested the resistance of Ji-fong No. 618 against WSMoV may be due to the tolerance of the plant to the virus. Common weed plants, such as Solanum nigrum and Amarathus virudis, have been first confirmed as natural hosts of WSMoV by serological and electron microscopic approaches in this report.


wax gourd Watermelon silver virus ecology
