

‘臺中3號’(Vitis vinifera L. × V. labrusca L. cv. 'Taichung No. 3')為H0545品系及‘Cardinal’雜交而得,屬歐美雜交種。品種特性為萌芽開始期早,嫩梢梢尖形態半開,其花青素著色程度為無或極弱、絨毛密度密;新梢節間腹側顏色為綠帶紅色條紋。幼葉葉面顏色為黃綠,成熟葉葉片形狀近三角形、葉背絨毛密度中等、裂片數三裂、葉柄裂刻形狀稍重疊,葉片鋸齒形狀為雙側直及雙側凸混合,鋸齒長度長,其長寬比為中等,葉片主脈花青素著色程度為無或極弱。花穗穗梗花青素著色程度無或極弱,第一花穗長度長、花性為兩性花。果實生理完熟期中等,果穗大小中等,緊密度中等;果粒形狀為圓形,果皮黃綠色,果粒小,果肉花青素著色程度無或極弱,具麝香味;果汁全可溶性固形物含量極高,種子發育完全。枝條表面形狀光滑,節間紅褐色。在臺灣中部可一年二收,栽培管理方式與現有商業品種‘金香’相近。‘臺中3號’已於2009年取得植物品種權,為優良之釀製白酒品種。


釀酒葡萄 品種 育種


'Taichung No. 3' (Vitis vinifera L. × V. labrusca L. cv. 'Taichung No. 3') was bred and selected from a cross between line H0545 and 'Cardinal' for white wine. The variety characteristics were determined according to the Table for DUS Inspection of Grapevine. The initial time for budbreak of the variety is earlier. Young shoot tip is half open with absent or very weak anthocyanin coloration and dense prostrate hairs. The color of shoot ventral side internode is green with red strips. The upper side color of young leaf is yellow-green. Mature leaf is deltoid, three lobes, with medium density prostrate hairs on the lower side, and slightly overlapped petiole lobes. Shape of teeth is mixture of both sides straight and convex, length is long, and ratio of which length/width is medium. Anthocyanin colorations of main veins on upper and lower sides are absent or very weak. Anthocyanin coloration of flower stalk is absent or very weak. First flower bunch is long with fully developed stamens and gynoecium. The initial time of fruit ripening is medium, fruit bunch size and density are medium. The green and small berry is circular. Berry flesh is with absent or very weak anthocyanin coloration and Muscat flavor. Total soluble solids of this variety is very high. Seeds are developed. Woody shoot internode with smooth surface relief is reddish-brown. Like 'Golden Muscat', 'Taichung No. 3' can produce two crops a year in central Taiwan. The plant variety right was granted by COA in 2009.


wine grape variety breeding
