

芭菲爾鞋蘭屬為仙履蘭植物中種類及商業栽培最多之屬,極具市場發展潛力,惟其微體繁殖技術尚無法突破致產業發展受限。本研究以4個芭菲爾鞋蘭雜交品系之無菌播種實生瓶苗探討培植體部位、鹽基濃度、植物生長調節劑( TDZ )及光照等因子對芽體誘導及增殖之影響。結果顯示,不同部位培植體除了PA6291頂芽培植體之誘導率高於莖節培植體外,餘3品系皆以莖節培植體之誘導情形較好,其中PA5909莖節培植體於花寶1號培養基不添加TDZ 經3個月培養之芽體誘導率最高( 2.2倍)。另鹽基及生長調節劑部分, PA5909 及PA6166 以不添加TDZ 之誘導情形較好, 而PA6045及PA6291 則分別以1/6MS 及1/2MS 添加0.5 mg/L TDZ 之芽體誘導情形較佳,所有品系皆以光照較黑暗環境培養好。芽體增殖以PA5909莖節培植體之3.3倍表現最佳。


Paphiopedilum is one of the slipper orchids that famous for its various species and most cultivated category that has great potential in the flower market. However, it micropropagation skill is hard to breakthrough that limited the industry development. This study focus on the effect of plant position, medium salt concentration, plant regulators, and light on bud induction and multi-propagation of Paphiopedilum by using four hybrids seedlings. Results showed that shoot bud cultivation was better than stem cultivation on PA6291, vice versa for others. PA5909 stem three weeks cultivation in Hyponex No.1 without TDZ had the best induction rate of 2.2. In medium salt and plant regulators, PA5909 and PA6166 had better results without TDZ in cultivating medium, PA6045 and PA6291 had better bud induction result in 1/6 MS and 1/2 MS with 0.5mg/L TDZ medium, respectively. All of the cultivars cultured under light were better than in dark environment. PA5909 stem cultivation had best but induction rate of 3.3 among all treatments.

