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Establishment of farmer's operational evaluation criteria in the early stage of IPM introduction-taking Miaoli strawberry farmers as an example


作物有害生物綜合管理(Integrated pest management, IPM)之觀念已導入國內多年,試驗改良單位亦陸續建立各作物之相關管理模式,近年來也針對IPM進行推廣。但因屬於導入初期,尚未建立農民IPM操作相關之評估方式。本研究係苗栗區農業改良場透過問卷設計,調查於2019年進行輔導之草莓農民,將IPM之評估分為4大面向,包含人力知識、社群組織、環境效益及經濟效益,融合農民實際田間管理行為進行分析。結果顯示,大部分農民具一定程度之IPM知識,包含IPM項目之了解程度,且願意嘗試生物性防治措施等,但在管理紀錄上仍欠缺經濟層面如成本及收入紀錄。輔導成效上,改良場已建立與農民間之信任度,尤其是50歲以下之農民,且農民之間大多會進行病蟲害管理相關資訊交流,建議可持續透過培養種子農戶,促進農友間相互學習,以強化IPM之推廣。總體而言,利用此問卷設計可了解此次受調查之草莓農戶已具備基礎IPM知識,未來可透過強化宣導操作效益,並將管理方式更加簡化且易操作,使各年齡層之農民能更完善地進行自我管理。


The concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has been introduced in Taiwan for many years. The Agricultural Research Institute/ Extension Station have also established management guides for various crops, and promoted IPM in recent years. However, it is in the early stage of introduction, the evaluation methods related to farmers' IPM operations have not yet been established. In this research, we investigated strawberry farmers who underwent consultation with Miaoli District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (MDAIS) in 2019. Combined the questionnaire with four aspects of IPM evaluation, including knowledge of pest identification, community organization, environmental benefits, economic benefits, and farmers' actual field management behavior for analysis. The results show that most farmers have a certain level of IPM knowledge, including knowledge of IPM projects, and are willing to try biological control strategies, but they still lack economic aspects such as cost and income records. In the effect of counseling, MDAIS has established trust with farmers, especially those under the age of 50, and most farmers will exchange information about pest management. It is recommended to continuously raising farmers to promote mutual learning among farmers, to strengthen the promotion of IPM. In general, the study shows that strawberry farmers who had undertook the survey have basic concepts of IPM, and we hope farmers of all ages could conduct well eventually by publicizing the benefits of IPM widely and simplifying cultivation management guides to make it easier to operate.
