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  • OpenAccess


Effect of different nitrogen doses and irrigation levels on yield of rice cultivar Tainan 11


水稻為灌溉水需求量較高之作物,調整灌溉方式以減少用水量,提高水分利用效率為近年來重要的議題,另外氮肥施用量會影響水稻產量、品質及栽培風險等,配合品種、氣候等栽培條件之合理化施肥量亦為國內重要研究方向。本研究測試於氮肥施用量60 kg N/ha、180 kg N/ha及260 kg N/ha下乾濕交替及慣行灌溉對水稻臺南11號產量之影響,氮肥施用量方面,高氮肥施用量無法增加產量,反而造成倒伏及病害發生等栽培風險上升,節水栽培方面,乾濕交替灌溉模式可較慣行灌溉模式節省36.9%灌溉用水,減少灌溉勞力需求且對產量無顯著影響,可供農友參考使用。


Rice is a crop with high irrigation water requirement, adjusting irrigation methods to reduce water consumption and improve water use efficiency has been an important issue in recent years. In addition, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application will affect yield, quality and risks of cultivation, judicious use of fertilizer combined with variety and climate is also an important project. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different irrigation levels and nitrogen doses on yield of rice Tainan 11 in 2019-2020. Two different irrigation model (conventional practice and alternative wetting and drying irrigation) and three different nitrogen doses (60, 180, and 260 kg N/ha) were applied to paddy rice. The results showed that high nitrogen fertilizer application rate could not increase the yield, but increase risks of cultivation such as lodging and disease. In addition, alternative wetting and drying irrigation mode can save about 36.9% irrigation water compared with conventional practice, reduce the labor of irrigation, and cause no significant impact on the yield, which can be used as a suggest for farmers.
