  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


An Analysis of Production Cost and Revenue for Newly Developed Cut-Flowers Cultivated under Structure in Taiwan






This study was aimed to analyze the production cost and revenue of cut-flowers cultivated under structure, including Babysbreath, Carnation, Gerbera and Lily. The results were summarized as following:1. The production cost of Fall Lily culture under structure was the highest among the four cut flowers. However, the revenue was the highest too. Gross revenue for Babysbreath was the lowest, but due to the lowest production cost, its net revenue was higher than those of Carnation and Spring Lily.2. The production cost for Babysbreath was almost similar for various areas. However, its revenue in Chang-Hua county was the highest and in Nan-Tou county as well as Chia-Yi city, the revenue was nearly the same. Labour, material, seed and facility depreciation were the four major items of production cost. For Carnation, gross revenue in Nan-Tou county was the highest while in Chia-Yi city was the lowest. Production cost in Nan-Tou county was the highest while in Chia-Yi city and Chang-Hua county, there was no significant difference. Net revenue in Chan-Hua county was the highest while in Chia-Yi city was the lowest. The major production cost was the seed cost, followed in order by the cost of labour and facility depreciation. For Gerbera, except Chia-Yi city, Chang-Hua county and Nan-Tou county have similar production cost and revenue. For these two counties, the major production cost was labour, followed by seed, material and facility depreciation. 3. Generally speaking, the payback period of facility investment was short for Babys-breath, Carnation and Gerbera, it would be one or two year. Especially for Gerbera, the payback period would be only 1.2 years even if the interest rate was considered. Obviously, the newly developed cut-flower culture under structure is worthy to be adopted. However, the cultural technology should be strengthened so that the product quality could be improved. In addition, the market should be enlarged so that there will be no surplus supply and thus affect the revenus.


