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The Quality and Safety Production Systems for Health-Care Plants


為符合保健及藥用植物原料生產或其高附加價值產品的效用(Efficacy)、品質(Quality)與安全性(Safety)的管控要求,保健及藥用植物所進行的人工栽培,必須建立優質安全的生產體系。目前在美國、歐盟、日本及中國大陸等國家的藥用植物生產,均已建立優良農業操作(Good Agriculture Practice)規範準則,作為建立個別作物的生產栽培體系之各項農業操作的標準作業流程之依據,這些標準操作流程自栽培地點之生態環境之監控開始、種源的選擇與鑑別、栽培管理、採收到貯存、包裝、運輸、人員之訓練等等,每一個環節都要處在嚴格的控制之下執行,並有文件記載。也可據以製成附加價值更高的產品。我國保健藥用植物產業正值萌芽時期,建立一套符合臺灣生態環境與優質農業生產之生產體系,乃當務之急。以創造產業發展之利基與競爭力,提供農民多樣化之選擇,並達成增進國人健康之目標。


Quality control directly impacts the safety and efficacy of health care and medicinal herbal products. Good agricultural practices for health-care and medicinal plants is only the first step in quality assurance, that is the safety and efficacy of their high valuable products, and will also play an important role in the protection of natural resources and the plants for sustainable use. Till now, the European Union, World Health Organization and a few countries, such as China and Japan have developed regional and national good agricultural practices for medicinal plants. The safety and quality of raw health-care and medicinal plant materials and their high valuable finished products depend on factors that may be classified as intrinsic (genetic) or extrinsic (environment, collection methods, cultivation, harvest, post-harvest processing, transport and storage practices). The points to consider on good agricultural practice for healthcare and medicinal plants also need the documentation and training. We should give high priority to the development of applicable GAP guidelines and production system to promote the healthcare and medicinal plants industry development in Taiwan.
