  • 期刊


Present Situation and Training Needs of Elderly Health Services for Nursing Assistants in Macao


澳門正面對老齡社會以及超老齡社會的來臨,預料未來的長者服務需求非常龐大。目前澳門安老照護體系中,大致可分為社區照顧及院舍照護兩大類,分別提供長者日間護理、家居照顧及支援、24 小時家居護養及住宿式照顧服務。為應對老齡社會的來臨,澳門政府將陸續擴展安老服務,然而澳門同時面對衛生人力資源不足,因此,輔助人員的角色顯得尤其重要,當中以護士助理的角色功能較特殊,屬半專業人員,亦是正式照顧者,擔任的照護任務繁重。本文搜查了各類文獻資料,歸納目前澳門安老服務的現況及社會需求,護士助理的角色及培訓狀況,借鑒鄰近及先進國家對安老服務護士助理的培訓及認可機制,作為澳門未來的安老機構護士助理建立相關制度的參考。


Macau is approaching to Aging Society and Super Aging Society. It is predicted that there will be large amount of service demand for elderly in Macao. At present, Macao elderly care system can be divided into two major categories: community care and institutional care, to provide day care, home care and support, 24 hours elderly home care and nursing home service respectively. To cope with the coming of Aging Society, Macao government will gradually extend the elderly care service; however, Macao is also facing the lack of health human resources at the same time. As a result, the role of the auxiliary staff is especially important, of which special as the role of nurse assistants, who belong to half professionals but formal caregivers, taking charge of direct care services. This paper aims to reveal the social demands of the elderly services in Macao via searching and summarizing relevant literatures, to present the role of nursing assistants and relevant training programs. It also consulted the nursing assistant training programs and registration system from other regions or countries, as direction for further improvement of relevant policy of nursing assistants in Macao.
