  • 期刊


A Study of the Interrelationship between Religion Cooperation and Fu-Jen School by Means of Deconstructing the Statures Model




Through the ages, a certain significant ideals, either from local Taiwan or from abroad Vatican, which enlighten the Catholic Fu-Jen University and encourages the faculty hopefully to step into the future.There are a lot of publications concerning about full-humanity and the seven leading goals. But there has no single solid one theory can be found to conjugate Double tracked educational strategy administration arrangement. This ambiguity caused some confusion. A brief model to demonstrate the significant value system of this University is helpfully to clarify the situation.Through a rough textual analysis on 1) the function and the meaning of religion, the development, 2) the conjugation of religion, 3) the cooperative pattern of religion in the campus, and 4) the leading issues about the educational foundation, a certain amendments are necessary for the future achievement. A single one three-dimensional organic model, with simplicity but full of variations, can be derived by means of both planar expansion and linear break through. This founding is available both in theoretical discussion, but also available for the constitution of the administration system. Based upon Catholic religion, may the Fu-Jen University be prosperous on and on.An experimental model is designed, and inspired by the studies of 1) The image of the god reveal to Ezekiel the prophet, 2) The disasters in the ancient Egypt, 3) The ten commandments of Judeo-Christian belief, 4) The prayer taught by Jesus the Christ, 5) The principles of love said by Paul the Apostle, from the scriptures of the Old and New Testament.The design has been derived through the study of extinguish cases around the campus, including diagrams, sculptures, and symbolic object, which are trying to manifest the particular purposes of college education.To reach the educational ideas and goals, the criteria extracted from textual analysis and from experimental model, can be adapted for religion cooperation, holistic education, and the Fu-Jen School. And the success of the Fu-Jen School will be the key to the fulfillment of holistic goal.
