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Building a Nuclear Medicine Medical Education Chatbot Based on Natural Language Processing and Ontology Technology




Objective: Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, medical students and interns have been unable to undergo internship at medical institutions. The department has therefore integrated LINE with medical education to build a nuclear medicine medical education chatbot for the purpose of ensuring uninterrupted studies despite suspended classes. Methods: Utilizing natural language processing and ontology technology, we collected all paper-based teaching materials and electronic information on nuclear medicine scans and proceeded with information extraction and analysis to establish an ontology of medical education curriculum guidelines, then used machine learning to engage in natural language processing. Results: In a survey conducted between October 2020 and April 2021, the score for students' understanding of nuclear medicine courses averaged at 1.8. Average satisfaction rate increased to 4.21 following use of the medical education chatbot with "Increased knowledge of the course" and "Course contents fulfill my needs" reaching high scores of 4.31 on average, thus proving the chatbot indeed resolves course issues encountered by students undergoing internship. Conclusions: The medical education chatbot engages in interactive teaching with students using near-human tones, increasing students' understanding of course plans before, during and after the internship procedure, the rules of assessment, nuclear medicine scans and treatments, as well as the bilateral feedback mechanism.


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