  • 期刊


An Interdisciplinary Mirror: Cultural and Critical Studies in Dance


本文的重點在於建構一個由學門外進行學門內的跨領域批判觀點,著眼於一種迂迴的革命,藉由框架變動本身所提供的思維,探討如何開發舞蹈知識(episteme)的另類來源,檢驗舞蹈論述中的「未思」之處,透過思考框架的鬆動,側進旁擊那使舞蹈由「動詞」變成「名詞」的學術象牙塔,重新活絡舞蹈理論的能動性。其實,批判、評論並非評論家莫屬的行動,近年來更由於交通、傳播、科技的發展,加上無法抗拒的全球化浪潮,一般人為了因應大環境的快速變遷,早已很難再執著於單一角色、單一專長的生存方式,更遑論定錨於單一領域的舞蹈研究,將如何面對知識經濟和國際化的考驗?但是,要談批判理論,得先確立何謂理論?其所指涉的學說與學派為何?其論述的設定與批判的對象為何?由此,舞蹈研究談如何借鏡文化研究及批判理論的效應,方能互為體用,而不致於使舞蹈學術成為各種理論的臣屬領域。衡諸史實與個人所學之侷限,本文之討論範圍將僅涉及1965年之後,批判理論(Critical Theory)與文化研究(Cultural Studies)對舞蹈的啟示及其發展。更確切地說,亦即申論我個人在詮釋、分析舞作的過程中,重點地對所謂的後現代、後結構、新馬克思、後殖民主義等「後學」論述,作一番耙梳與再思考。


As cultural encounters intensify rapidly from the colonial era onwards, the demands of cross-cultural, inter-cultural, or trans-cultural research have, in recent years, promoted worldwide interests and commitments among university intellectuals and dance scholars. In light of the political, economic, and cultural changes brought about by globalization, I argue that a single system research in the style of discipline-building has rendered dance studies increasingly insufficient. This essay will demonstrate how critical theory and cultural studies have converged upon a mode of interdisciplinary inquiries into dance. It evokes interactive understanding of identity and belonging that will depart from a conventional tendency towards de-politicization and hyper-specialization in academic division and hierarchies. In doing so, I hope to encourage genuine dialogue across the boundaries that define disciplinary power blocs. For the sake of a limited scope, I will confine my discussion to the formation of theory and anti-theory in dance, while, under the umbrella of post-ism, I will selectively link post-structuralism, post-colonialism, and post-Marxism with dancing post-modernism.


Dance Critical Theory Cultural Studies Post-ism
