  • 期刊


On Creating and Pricing Premium Reducible Simple Warrants



近來有不少券商相繼推出不同類型的認購權證,其中可降低權利金的權證尤其受到投資人的歡迎。本論文將詳細介紹幾種可降低權利金的簡單新權證,並以Martingale Pricing的方法推導出各種新權證的封閉解評價模型,同時推導出相關 的避險參數。本論文的方法可進一步應用於其他可降低權利金的新權證創新,不但投資人受益,發行券商也因新權證評價模型的簡單化以及類似Black-Scholes 避險操作的簡易性,而能獲得更佳的風險控管,降低避險損失,提升利潤。


Several security firms have recently issued a variety of new warrants. Among them, reduced-premium warrants are highly welcomed by investors. In this paper, we introduce in details several lower-premium new warrants. Each new warrant can be priced by a closed-form solution derived from martingale pricing method, and the related hedge parameters are also derived. The martingale pricing method can also be applied to other related new lower-premium warrants. The investors will be benefited from the availability of lower-premium warrants in the market. In addition, the issuing security firms can also be benefited from the new warrants' closed-form pricing models. The hedge parameters are as simple as those of the Black-Scholes model. As a result, the issuing firms can enjoy better risk control and hence lowering hedging losses and raising profits.
