  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Maneuvering Target Tracking Based on Adaptive Variational Bayesian Cubature Kalman Filtering


Aiming at the tracking performance of cubature Kalman filter in maneuvering target tracking will decline with the change of observation noise parameter, an adaptive variational Bayesian cubature Kalman filtering algorithm suitable for maneuvering target tracking is proposed. In every update step of this algorithm, the varying statistical measurement noise and system state are set as random variables, and the variational Bayesian method is adopted for estimation. After noise variance is obtained in iterative approximation, system state will be updated with the cubature Kalman filter. According to the simulation experiment results, proves that the varying observation noise variance can be estimated well with improved cubature Kalman filtering algorithm during maneuvering target tracking, thus the precision and real-time property of maneuvering target tracking are improved.
