  • 期刊


Characteristics of Beauty Appreciation for Poems Written at Royal Command-From Observing Zhang Jiuling's Poems




應制詩 文體 審美特徵 命意 賦筆 諷語 張九齡


In the history of Chinese literature, from "Elegance" and "Extol" in Book of Songs to composing and singing poems in Han dynasty, from literati in the period of Cao and Wei, Shangguan style in the early Tang dynasty, Xikun style in the early Sung dynasty to Taige style in the early Ming dynasty, poems written at royal command always accompany times of peace and prosperity. As a particular style of literary creation in Chinese poetry history, a poem written at royal command has its owen creation regularity, presenting its individual features.This article reviews poems written at royal command in the view of literary style and comments through subjectivity and objectivity in composing poems. In addition to expound the literary characteristics of poems written at royal command in elegance, prosperity, abundance, and luxury, the article hopes to benefit readers from beauty appreciation in noble literature.
