  • 期刊


As Nora Helmer Steps out of Her Family: The Transition of the Taiwan Female Prose Works Since 1950s


審視五○年代台灣女作家「閨秀散文」的精神內涵,則必須含括三個層面:以「家」為核心的書寫範疇、重視古典抒情傳統的修辭、以及貼近讀者的書信獨白體的運用,這些特質使她們形成女性特質甚強的散文美學,然而「閨秀散文」的書寫傳統在社會的變遷與文學形式的演變下,也慢慢轉變書寫的潮流。隨著女性意識的高漲,所論述的議題就日益複雜,考察五○年代以降書寫婚姻與家庭的散文所探討的層面不再只是相夫教子的話題,發展到八○年代之後,這類「婚姻與家庭」的書寫已將焦點移轉到女性主義,可以說從五○年代的「寧為女人」演變到八○年代的「反抗父權」,隨著社會的變遷也促使新的女性文學世代將關懷的觸角由家延伸到政治與社會的議題,五○年代以降女性散文的書寫議題可說是「由齊家到治國」的變遷歷程。因為女性散文從「私領域」橫越到「公論域」的演進,也使「閨秀散文」從五○年代「歌頌草木山川的詠物小品」,跨越到關心環保議題的自然寫作, 因之觀照五○年代台灣女性散文的變遷,可清晰地呈現出以家為核心的書寫已漸漸崩解的歷程,女性走入社會關懷政治的演變,也使台灣女性散文風貌日益多元豐富。


The spiritual connotation of the female prose of Taiwan in 1950s includes the following 3 dimensions which outline the aesthetic prose with strong female features: writing with concerns focused on home/family, emphasis on the classical/lyrical rhetoric, and the usage of monologue in the letter writing style. However, the tradition of such female prose writing has been changing its style along with the transitions of the modern society and the literature formality. The topics expounded in the prose seem to become more complicated as the consciousness of feminism ran high, and the main emphasis of the works has even been transferred to the exploration of feminism in 1980s from the traditional focus of "marriage and family"in 1950s. The transition of society also encouraged the new literature generations in extending their care to political and social issues, and thus the topics written in the Taiwan female prose works since 1950s could be depicted as a transiting process of changing concerns from the private family matters to the public policy formation, and even to the environment protection issues. This papers intends to depict the changing process of the female writing styles and features, and to explain their formation and diversification by exploring the transition of the Taiwan female prose works since 1950s.


彭玉萍(2013)。見證者的散文詩學 ──省籍作家葉榮鐘與洪炎秋散文研究〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2511201311331742
